Altar Servers
Altar Servers
It is time to renew our team of Altar Servers. We are currently recruiting New Altar Servers and Past Altar servers.
Do you want to be an Altar Server or know someone who is interested? Anyone who has received their first Holy Communion is able to serve at the altar.
Please come and learn how you can serve the Lord
If you or someone you know is interested in serving please fill out the Altar Server form and plan to attend a training session. Forms are available in our church main office, and online. Training dates will be announced
For more information please contact Gloria Josephian (559) 801-1797 or the main church office (559) 992-4414
All applicants must be baptized catholic and have received their First Holy Communion, are parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, are willing and able to attend training sessions, and have a desire to serve the Lord and His people at the Altar.
Altar Server Training
Required for both new and returning servers
Only will need to attend one training session
The trainings will be in English even if they attend the mass in Spanish